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Saturday, August 9, 2008

Dentist firsts :)

The kids had their 6mo check up at the dentist and it was Micah's first teeth cleaning :)
Ethan having had the most dental work done in the past was used to all this and went first ;)
Next was Brianna as Caleb got scared after they had tried to do the x-rays and they hurt his mouth :( He was a little hesitant about anything that came after that!
Micah did great! The only thing he wasn't to sure about was them laying the chair back, I think he felt like he was going to tip out of the chair! LOL But he sat there and let them clean his teeth like a trooper :)
They even let him hold the paste stuff they use for cleaning.

And he loved the suction straw :)

Upon the dentist checking her teeth out Brianna had a small cavity so they went ahead and filled it. She was so relaxed she didn't even know what side of her mouth it was on! LOL

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